Sunday, August 24, 2008

"Resistance is futile."

As the Borg say "Resistance is futile." So with that I begin to explore the world of blogging and facebook. I see others' blogs and I feel jealous which is funny because I have a pretty good life. I think they are so clever, their kids say the funniest things, they are so lucky to have started when their kids are all young, they are great photographers, they have such a way with words, they have so many friends, they are so close with their family, they adore their kids, and I'm sure no one needs or wants to see my family's every moment blah, blah, blah. I thought I could turn it into a family affair and have Chancellor do all the story telling which would make me more comfortable. He said no. That means Monte has to do all my editing so if things sound good that means he has done his job. Chancellor and Dalln did help me choose our title though. We were reading about Captain Moroni in The Book of Mormon and he kept saying "my little band of 2000". I thought about my little band of four. They also are all into music and I think soon we will start The Slavens Brothers Band so it works with that as well for when they make it big. This means we can not have any more kids which is the plan. Chancellor is 15, Dallin is 12, Trenton is 7, and Jackson is 4. I am blessed to have them and Monte. Here we go on our adventure. I hope we all enjoy the ride.

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