Dallin loves to watch "the office". He also loves one of his teachers. It is his core teacher, Mrs. Tully. They like to talk about the office and Dallin calls her "best friend Mrs. Tully". On one of the latest episodes the hottest Christmas toy was the Princess Unicorn Barbie (My Horn Can Pierce The Sky!). Dwight bought every doll in the area to punish the parents who wait until the last minute to get their kids gifts. Dallin decided to make this Princess Unicorn Barbie for Mrs. Tully. I had to buy a barbie, he whittled a unicorn horn during tech class, called a friend to find the perfect dress, and he glued on the horn. It was a perfect copy. He gave it to her and she laughed so hard she cried. Dallin is very funny. As you can see he made the white one.
This is the real Princess Unicorn Barbie. Dallin did a great job recreating it.
The Legend Princess Unicorn is from a distant land on a distant planet far away in the future. She came from her father, king of the unicorns, and her mother, queen of the princesses. Sorcerissa, the evil witch, cast a spell on Princess Unicorn's parents, forcing them into another dimension, and doused Princess Unicorn in radiation. The radiation did not hurt Princess Unicorn, but gave her magical powers. She can summon her magic by holding her wand and calling out, "My horn can pierce the sky!" Now she uses her magic and beauty to write for her school paper, defend her kingdom, and battle Sorcerissa so she can be reunited with her mother and father some day.
Loved "The Office" episode and I love this! Dallin rocks! I wish I could've seen his teacher's face!
We love "The Office" at our house, too. This is hilarious. I am still laughing.
That is the greatest thing I've heard in a long time. Thanks for cluing me in on the blog.
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